Virtual Reality’s Future Kings: Major Studios or Indie Upstarts?The first totally new entertainment format in decades is on the cusp of going mainstream, so TheWrap examines...
The Great Wall, China's most expensive movie, has Hollywood in its sights | South China Morning Post
The Great Wall, China's most expensive movie, has Hollywood in its sights
It's a Bollywood-Hollywood David vs. Goliath Showdown at China's Cinemas
It's a Bollywood-Hollywood David vs. Goliath Showdown at China's CinemasComment Now Follow CommentsFor the...
Chinese film producers have been courting sci-fi authors to secure a share in the fledgling domestic sci-fi movie industry, but in reality it is tougher than...
Fantasy User Interfaces, Fictional User Interfaces, Fake User Interfaces, Futuristic User Interfaces, Film User Interfaces, Future User Interfaces. Regardless of what the F...